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about us

Stand together securing our cultural and material values - that is what we can do and do.

Who is HANSE INTERNATIONAL (Status index: 22/10/2024) 

Our only law: The world's highest law >>The Golden Rule<< 

Our statutes consist of 10 points:

1. Central task: Secure + Strengthen / International (SSI).

2. Welcome are all Humans who want to live with us according to the golden rule. (One-time admission fee "donation"; membership is free of charge - donations are welcome).

3. Organization: Decentralized in the form of HANSE groups, so-called "cogs" and expanded into "guilds" - people who know and trust each other personally. (Individual "cogs"; bundled "fleet"); Local and/or as expert associations. A council is formed by at least three knights, each of whom presides over a cog. Statutes for knighthood. Own diplomatic services since 2022.

4. Freedom: Every Hanseat is free in his decisions and always acts independently. Sovereignty.

5. LAW: 1. Guild and paddle wheel No. 1 in the project landscape >>The Mill<<. Affiliated international consultancy, lawyers and own jurisdiction (INTERNATIONAL HANSEATIC LEAGUE COURT OF THE GOLDEN RULE). The INTERNATIONAL LETTER OF PROTECTION (Charter) documents the permanent legal mandate and manifests the international unlimited and thus inheritable legal claims of every Hanseatic. Knights sign legally with a seal and the knight's name contained therein. Organization to protect our lawyers; own lawyers Hanse approval.

6. >>Die Mühle<<; >>The Mill<< is the project landscape of our HANSE INTERNATIONAL. Starting with the guild LAW (1st paddle wheel), MEANS (2nd paddle wheel), ENERGY (3rd paddle wheel), FOOD (4th paddlewheel), HEALING (5th paddle wheel), etc. through these and other guilds with many projects of entrepreneurs of our HANSEATIC LEAGUE.

7. Trade and communication: HANSE INTERNATIONAL's own "open" - but in parts closed - communication and trade platform accessible to the world market.

8. MEANS (finances): 2. Guild and paddle wheel No. 2 in the project landscape >>The Mill<<. The "HANSE-WERTPAPIER" HANSE-BOND - individual "unique" forgery-proof seal per security (worldwide digital testing app) - serves as "help for self-help" for the Hanseatic to a) secure his values (gold coverage / company values / worldwide); b) have a guaranteed stable annual return starting from 7.5%; c) to be liquid in money or gold at all times worldwide (worldwide guaranteed negotiability of the Hanse security); d) interest-free financing of companies and projects, self-financed in return via the corresponding participation in the total return on capital. A separate international banking group >>HANSE INTERNATIONAL BANK (HIB)<< is under construction. Another goal: Goldmark.

9. Projects: Projects can be defined individually, in groups or centrally by the entire HANSE INTERNATIONAL. Financing (see 8.d)). Project and company advice (consulting) and training (coaching) via experts in the guilds themselves.

10. Existence: Council of the Wise (Inner Core) which above all ensures the eternal continuity.
