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VAN TULP CONSULTING | HANSE INTERNATIONAL                                                  

• LIBERTARIANS is what we Hanseatics are (since 950 AD). Our HANSE INTERNATIONAL | VAN TULP CONSULTING has repositioned itself out of the old HANSEATIC LEAGUE and, by virtue of its organization including its own - internationally legally justified and thus recognized - International Court of Justice (Natural Law), is an Original Non-state Subject of Law of Nature (ONN). By virtue of this international community of Hanseatic people, resident in many countries of the world, we shall help to ensure LAW + ORDER + PROSPERITY in these countries - keyword: Society of Values

"Who we are"

Our current statutes  

An international community of predominantly entrepreneurial families. Living and acting according to the highest law of the world - >>The Golden Rule<< : "QVOD TIBI HOC ALTERI – What [you] wish for you, that [do] to the other". In economic terms it is known as WIN-WIN.

Natural Law & The Golden Rule

Human and Creation

Clarity of spirit for law and order. The highest jurisdiction with the highest law in the world is natural law with its only law: >>The Golden Rule<<. Human is only liable for damage directly caused by himself (liability for damage), not for hazard.   

Constitutionality | Rule of Law

A good that we demand for our Hanseatic people worldwide. 

We protect our Hanseatic people worldwide ("Internationaler Schutzbrief" / International Charter). From the mandate declaration (International Charter), VAN TULP CONSULTING charges a daily rate of € 15,000.00 plus fees, expenses, etc. unanimously the opposing side. Case law and titles, inter alia, also in Natural Law issued by the IHG-DGR (International Hanseatic Court of the Golden Rule); Titles which go "on file" to national and international courts. In legal trials, the achievement rate stands at 100%.    

>>Die Mühle<< ("The Mill")

Life and Economic model of our HANSE

LEGAL, paddle wheel No. 1; MEANS, paddle wheel No 2; and so on... to the extent that we realize all HANSE-GUILD-projects with funds from our own house bank, the HANSE INTERNATIONAL BANK (HIB). The "round" motto of our >>The Mill<<, from Hanseats for Hanseats in harmony with creation, via the indirect interlinking "Gear" from forgery-proof (test app) globally negotiable HANSE BOND and HANSE CONTRACT, both papers from our HANSE INTERNATIONAL INVEST (HII); BOND return rate: min. 7,5% (1 year and 1 day).